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AMS Lab Beta Analytic Joins SAA 2017 Annual Meeting

ISO 17025-accredited lab Beta Analytic attended the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archaeology (SAA) held on March 29 to April 2, 2017 in Vancouver, Canada. Beta Analytic Deputy Director and Technical Manager Mr. Chris Patrick and North American Operations Manager Brett Bell took inquiries from attendees. 

“In this year’s meeting, we were glad to inform attendees that Beta also provides stable isotope analysis for various materials including bones and carbonates. Our fees for radiocarbon dating bones always included δ13C measurements done in an isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Starting in 2016, our fees for C14 dating of non-cremated bones now include measurements of δ13C, δ15N, %C, %N, and C:N ratio. For carbonates like shells, our fees are now inclusive of δ13C and δ18O analysis,” Mr. Bell stated. The lab also provides stable isotope analysis not in conjunction with radiocarbon dating.

The SAA annual meeting had a wide variety of educational sessions for its attendees including forums, poster sessions, exhibits, networking opportunities, and a debate competition called Ethics Bowl open to undergraduate and graduate students.

The next annual meeting is going to be held in Washington, D.C. on April 11-15, 2018.

Beta Analytic supports the SAA by joining the annual meetings as an exhibitor.

About SAA

The SAA is an international organization comprised of more than 7,500 members from various professional backgrounds committed to the research and protection of American archaeological heritage. Serving the interest of the greater public, the SAA taps different segments of society to advance knowledge and raise awareness of the past. They have dedicated themselves to enriching research practices, promoting proper dissemination of this knowledge and conserving resources for the benefit of the archaeological community. The SAA is against all forms of looting and sale of valuable archaeological materials. 

AMS Dating & Stable Isotope Analysis Laboratory – Beta Analytic

Beta Analytic uses Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) technology, the most precise and accurate method developed for radiocarbon dating. Based in Miami, Florida, the AMS lab has been providing carbon-14 analysis since 1979 to researchers and government agencies worldwide. In 2016, the lab expanded its services by offering stable isotope analysis for many types of samples.

How much does carbon dating cost?

To quote a cost for carbon 14 dating, please provide the lab with the following information:

  • currency  – USD, EUR, GBP, etc.
  • type of material – bones, charcoal, sediment, shells
  • number of samples
  • type of AMS dating service – standard (14 business days service or less), priority  (6 business days or less) or time guide (2-3 business days)

For inquiries or clarifications, please email the lab using its contact form or call (+1) 305-667-5167.

Other Events:
2017 ACRA annual conference

This entry was posted on Monday, April 3rd, 2017 and is filed under Beta Analytic Updates, Conferences & Other Events .