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Do you need Carbon-14 dating or U-Th dating for bones?

This on-demand webinar by Beta Analytic and Isobar Science will help you decide which method is more appropriate for your research. 

fully charred bones for carbon-14 dating

Isotope Applications: Bone Samples in Archaeology

Aside from Carbon-14 vs Uranium-Thorium Dating, this webinar also discusses:

  • Optimal types of bones for dating; 
  • Marine reservoir effects, elemental exchange and other common issues
  • How to prepare, handle and pack bones for lab submission.

Webinar Duration: 38 minutes

Disclaimer: This video is hosted in a third-party site and may contain advertising.

Carbon-14 & U-Th Dating Services

Beta Analytic is an ISO 17025-accredited Carbon-14 dating laboratory based in Miami, Florida. The lab also provides stable isotope analysis of bones and other samples using an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS).

Isobar Science is a subsidiary of Beta Analytic focused on geochemical fingerprinting services. Aside from Uranium-Thorium Dating, Isobar also offers strontium and lead analysis of bones.

For inquiries on radiocarbon dating and stable isotopes services, please use this form. 

For price inquiries on U-Th Dating of bones, feel free to contact Isobar Science.

Ready to submit your samples for carbon-14 dating? 
Please read our sample size recommendations for bones and other reminders.

About the Speaker

Maren Pauly, PhD (Scientific Associate for Beta Analytic & Isobar Science)

Dr. Pauly is a paleoclimatologist who completed her PhD at the Freie Universität Berlin. Her research experience includes reconstructing climate from modern corals and subfossil tree-rings as well as Late Glacial radiocarbon calibration. 

More Free Webinars

Beta Analytic and Isobar Science webinars are available on demand. 

Other than English, the following webinars are also available with Simplified Chinese subtitles:

Introduction to Uranium-Thorium Dating
Application of Strontium Isotopes
Boron Isotopic Analysis

We will also provide French-subtitled webinars soon!

Join our mailing list to receive news of upcoming webinars and other updates.


This entry was posted on Friday, May 27th, 2022 and is filed under Beta Analytic Updates, Beta Analytic Webinars .